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Campaign to Protect Rural England - Somerset

How we work

Volunteers visiting an affordable housing scheme in Barton St David Volunteers visiting an affordable housing scheme in Barton St David Photo: Raglan Homes

We’re an environmental charity, with over 200 local groups, a branch in every county and 55,000 members, and supporters – including more than 2,000 affiliated parish councils.

Here in Somerset, we have around 750 members and a small team of volunteers who work hard to try to stand up for our countryside. 

In each of our five districts we have volunteers who look at long term policies and significant planning applications and decide how they may affect our countryside and rural communities. 

Our local knowledge and national profile means CPRE is effective in tackling both the specific issues that really matter to our members and the public, as well as the wider challenges the countryside faces.

Our members are united in their love for England’s landscapes and rural communities, and stand up for the countryside, so it can continue to sustain, enchant and inspire, future generations.

© CPRE Somerset, 8 Rowdens Road, Wells, Somerset BA5 1TU | Tel: 0845 269 4206 | Email: | Web:  

Registered charity number: 1100860    Registered company number 04755482  Privacy Policy  Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone company's access charge