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Campaign to Protect Rural England - Somerset

CPRE fights for a better future for England’s countryside

Sir Andrew Motion, CPRE President, visits Norton St Philp, Sept 2014 Sir Andrew Motion, CPRE President, visits Norton St Philp, Sept 2014

CPRE Somerset fights for a better future for the English countryside. We cover the administrative county of Somerset and our volunteers work hard to protect, shape and enhance a beautiful, thriving countryside for everyone to value and enjoy. We have around 700 members who are united in their love for Somerset’s landscapes and rural communities.  Together we stand up for the countryside, so it can continue to sustain, enchant and inspire future generations.

We believe a beautiful, thriving countryside is important for everyone, no matter where they live. Millions of town and city dwellers recharge their batteries with a walk or a bike ride in the local countryside, spend weekends and holidays in our National Parks, or enjoy fresh local produce. People who live in rural areas keep our countryside beautiful and productive.

The countryside is unique, essential, precious and finite – and it’s in danger. Every year, a little more is lost forever to urban sprawl, new roads, housing and other developments. Rural shops and services are closing, and increasingly intensive farming is changing the character of the countryside. Climate change, too, will have serious impacts on the rural environment.

Protecting and shaping the English countryside
We work locally and nationally to stand up for the countryside: to protect it from the threats it faces, and to shape its future for the better.

Standing up for your countryside
CPRE has been standing up for the countryside for over 90 years. In that time, we’ve seen some remarkable successes. We’ve helped win protection as National Parks for some of our most remarkable landscapes, from the Lake District to the South Downs. We’ve helped to influence and apply planning laws that have, against the odds, preserved the special beauty and character of the English countryside.

Our ambition
A beautiful and thriving countryside that’s valued and enjoyed by everyone.

Related Video

Watch our short video about who we are and what we do

© CPRE Somerset, 8 Rowdens Road, Wells, Somerset BA5 1TU | Tel: 0845 269 4206 | Email: | Web:  

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