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Campaign to Protect Rural England - Somerset

CPRE Somerset and planning

Eco homes at Great Bow Wharf, Langport Eco homes at Great Bow Wharf, Langport

There are many planning challenges currently facing Somerset including housing, wind turbines, solar parks, Hinkley C power station, quarrying, waste and transport infrastructure. We consider each one on its merits and ask: it is appropriate? Is it needed? What impact will it have on our countryside and our communities?  

Good land-use planning is the unsung hero of environmental protection and has always been one of CPRE's top campaigning priorities.

Good planning can help slow the growth of road traffic, encourage urban regeneration in our towns, curb urban sprawl, protect designated environments like Somerset's four AONBs and Exmoor National Park, protect and enhance the beauty and tranquillity of the Somerset countryside and safeguard wildlife habitats.

Campaigning to establish, and then improve, the land use planning system has always been a priority for the CPRE. At the national level, we were closely involved in the establishment of the system in 1947, with the Town and Country Planning Act, and subsequent revisions, particularly the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 and Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

Today, through our network of district groups and our county branches, we take part in the planning process every day: monitoring applications, thinking about the pros and cons and above all asking: is it appropriate?

CPRE appears at more public inquiries and local plan examinations than any other organisation, and nationally, monitors an estimated 200,000 planning applications a year!

Across the country we get involved in consultations on Local Plans. And when changes are made in planning legislation and planning policy we make sure our voice is heard loud and clear by those making the decisions. We don't allow political, emotional or financial considerations to cloud our position - our job is to defend the countryside and we do that using logic, reason and careful consideration of all the facts.

Help with planning

Planning can be complex. And with the many recent changes in legislation locally and nationally it's good to know CPRE has many resources available to help you. You can download our useful booklet on how to respond to planning applications  or visit CPRE's fabulously clear Planning Help website.

external small CPRE planning resources

external small Planning Help website



© CPRE Somerset, 8 Rowdens Road, Wells, Somerset BA5 1TU | Tel: 0845 269 4206 | Email: | Web:  

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