Campaign to Protect Rural England - Somerset

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Save our countryside from bulldozers and savage local transport cuts

Save our countryside from bulldozers and savage local transport cuts CPRE

On 1 December 2014, the Government set out the biggest road-building programme since the 1970s. Help us to campaign to stop this and push for funding for sustainable travel, public transport and safer walking and cycle routes.

Over a thousand miles of new and widened roads threaten swathes of countryside, including our most precious National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Green Belt.  In Somerset, this new announcement will mean creation of dual carriage way along stretches of the A303, resulting in faster traffic speeds and more noise pollution as cars and lorries rush through our county on their way to Devon.

The return of bulldozers is not the only threat the countryside now faces. To pay for the tripling of spending on major roads, local authorities face savage cuts to local transport budgets. Buses, road safety, cycling schemes as well as road maintenance will be slashed to the bone. The countryside will become increasingly cut off to those without a car, particularly at evenings and weekends. Widened motorways will get smoother surfaces while our local roads crumble.

When the Government took power in 2010, it was sustainable travel rather than damaging road expansion that was in the manifestos. Now they seem more intent on listening to big business and the roads lobby.

Make your voice heard, write to your MP.

The Infrastructure Bill has now started its passage in the House of Commons. If we do not manage to change it, it would lock higher spending on roads into law. Funding of alternatives will be squeezed, particularly in rural areas. The early months of 2015 are critical. By taking action today you can send a message to your MP that we need a change of direction on transport. Send the letter that we’ve provided for you today to your MP and stand up for our countryside.

external small Template letter to send to your MP

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