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Campaign to Protect Rural England - Somerset

Restoring Somerset's Historic Signposts

Historic signpost, West Pennard Historic signpost, West Pennard

 We are delighted to announce that we are able to offer funding to help restore historic signposts close to Hinkley C.

 Modern road signage was introduced across England in the 1960s but Somerset was one of just four counties that did not remove their old fingerpost signs.  As a result, we now have a wonderful back catalogue of these iconic and much loved features.  Unfortunately, Somerset County Council no longer has the funds to repair these signposts so they are slowly deteriorating unless local communities are able to take on their maintenance.  As the level of traffic increases as a result of the Hinkley C construction project, it is inevitable that more and more people, locals and visitors, will come across these rusty and damaged fingerposts in the area around Hinkley, giving a negative impression.

That's why we applied for a grant from the Hinkley C Community Fund and we are happy to say that they have awarded us £5000 to spend in Parishes within a 10 mile radius of Hinkley C within the next 2 years.  We hope that we can soon start to see some of these wonderful landmarks restored to their former glory.

Funds will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, giving priority to works on fingerposts visible from main roads. Advice and support is available on how to carry out surveys and assess what works are needed - and volunteers can attend free workshops on Highway Safety Awareness, run by Somerset County Council. The amount of funding is limited and Parish Councils will be expected to match fund any grant offered.  CPRE Somerset will be contacting all Parish Councils in the project area directly to invite expressions of interest.  Interested Parish Councils and volunteers should get in touch as soon as possible.
HPC Community Fund is managed by Somerset Community Foundation to help local communities mitigate the impacts of Hinkley Point C and maximise the opportunities that arise from the development for the communities (in Somerset) through schemes, measures and projects which promote the economic, social or environmental well-being of those communities and enhance their quality of life.
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