There are many planning challenges currently facing Somerset including housing, wind turbines, solar parks, Hinkley C power station, quarrying, waste and transport infrastructure. We consider each one on its merits and ask: it is appropriate? Is it needed? What impact will it have on our countryside and our communities?
Good land-use planning is the unsung hero of environmental protection and has always been one of CPRE's top campaigning priorities.
Living and working in the countryside is increasingly difficult for very many people on lower household incomes. The Commission for Rural Communities found that the average rural house costs almost seven times the average annual rural household income in 2007.
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Many of Somerset's main roads are congested and our rural roads are busier and more dangerous than ever. The answer is not to build more roads and tarmac over yet more of our countryside. Society and transport planners need to look for appropriate alternatives.
It’s almost impossible to consider modern life without electricity. With more people wanting more electricity, the subjects of how we generate it and how to use it more wisely was never more important than now.
Climate change is real. It is already taking its toll on the English countryside. And if it isn’t stopped, within a few decades it will have altered many of our most cherished landscapes forever.
Quarrying is big business and it provides many jobs in Somerset and crucial supplies of stone and aggregate for the whole nation.